
 Fly Fishing for Fluke

March 8, 2020
by Sergio Diaz

Fluke or Summer flounder is passionately pursued by anglers on Long Island for both, the challenge and its excellent taste.

It is an aggressive predator, with sharp teeth that can grow to be over 15 lbs.

I often catch fluke by accident while fishing for other species, but if you want to target fluke specifically, the following tips should help you improve your odds.

I’ve also added a video to this page showing how it all comes together. Click here to go right to the video

10 lbs Summer Fluke! Montauk, New York

10 lbs Summer Fluke! Montauk, New York

Fluke released swimming
Fluke on the fly

The Hunt

Long Island north and south shores hold fluke from west to the east end. I prefer to fish in shallow waters for fluke, specially those where the visibility is good.

Back bays, channels, mud bottoms are all prime locations for fluke.

Fly rods for fluke can range in weights from 5wt to 9wt, and while larger fluke can be strong fighters, you don't need a premium reel or lots of backing to stop them.

Sergio Diaz Fishing Back Bays for Fluke

Sergio Diaz Fishing Back Bays for Fluke

I do recommend that you use intermediate or sinking line, whichever allows you to retrieve your fly while keeping it just off the bottom, where fluke lay to ambush prey. If you are new to fly fishing, note that full sinking lines are rated by grains, the higher the number, the faster it will sink.

A standard 9 ft fluorocarbon leader, 12-20 lbs should is enough for most fluke you’ll find, but remember they have sharp teeth so be ready to adjust your setup depending on whats lurking near you.

Watch those fingers, fluke have sharp teeth!

Watch those fingers, fluke have sharp teeth!


Use a fly with some weight,  you want to mimic prey swimming and darting off the bottom, think of a happy grass shrimp darting or small bait fish swimming erratically.

That’s it, you should be all set to fly fish and play a nice fluke, get ready to see some amazing sight, as an example, when a fluke appears from the sand or mud button and rises in pursuit of you fly.

I hope this helps you catch more fluke and please, send me an email with any questions at:

Clouser minnow fly, great for fluke fly fishing


The following fly fishing video shows how it all comes together. This was shot in both, the north and south shore of Long Island.

Tight lines!



Do you want to learn to tie the clouser minnow fly?
This video shows step by step how to do it.